Author: Sarah Kentwell

Radio 1RPH 2020 Appeal

Radio 1RPH 2020 Appeal

Radio 1RPH Appeal

Heartfelt thanks to the generous donors who gave to Radio 1RPH during our Appeal week 22-28 September 2020. Your support is enormously appreciated.

It’s not too late to help! Donations are always welcome and greatly appreciated. Use the Donate button to make a contribution. 100% of your tax-deductible gift goes directly to our running costs and keeps us on air.

Donate Now


2019 Annual Appeal

The inaugural Radio 1RPH Annual Appeal has now wound up after a busy week – and what a result!

The station’s board, staff and volunteers have been overwhelmed by the support shown by our listeners and the greater community. Read more

Radio 1RPH 2019 Appeal

Radio 1RPH 2019 Appeal – 21–29 September

We love bringing you our programmes, but we need your help to keep doing that.

It takes a lot of money to run a radio station.

In the past, much of our funds have come through regular government grants. However, the financial landscape is changing for organisations like ours that provide free specialised services to members of our community. We’ve cut our spending hard, but the fact is that government grants no long cover our running costs.

That’s why we are having an Appeal in September and we are asking people to give generously, so that we can continue to broadcast the programmes you love. The appeal will be held over the period from 21st to 29th September. Please think about making a tax deductible donation to keep Radio 1RPH on air.

You can click here to donate to the Appeal.

2019 Annual Dinner

We had a great Annual Dinner on the 1st of May 2019 with special guests, Sir Peter and Lady Cosgrove.

Thanks to all who attended, we raised nearly $7,000 to help support the station!

Here are some photos from the event.

RPH Australia Survey

Survey image

Calling all Radio Reading supporters

RPH Australia is conducting a short survey to help identify areas for improvement in the services they provide to the RPH Network.

RPH Australia is the peak body for the Radio Reading Network; community radio services dedicated to providing access to information for the estimated 5 million Australians with a print disability. 1RPH is a part of the RPH Australia network. Read more