Turning print into sound

Podcasts from the studios of Radio 1RPH
Free podcasts of selected 1RPH programs, provided for on-demand listening.
A weekly program of readings from Cosmos Magazine, showcasing the world of science from an Australian viewpoint.
A fortnightly program of readings from RM Williams Outback Magazine, celebrating Australian people, places, animals and events.
Law Program
A series of interviews recorded in the studios of Radio 1RPH highlighting the work of a wide range of experienced Australian lawyers committed to the rule of law and human rights.
In Living Memory (book)
A complete reading of In Living Memory: Gundaroo in the 1940s and 50s, by Marion Meischke, read by the author for Radio 1RPH.
Volume 1: The Valley.
We also have a range of podcast interviews about people and events from in and around our community, click here to view.